10 April 2007

Because colleges discriminate

... against lower-middle class white girls who rely on financial aid and just want to take some damn art classes.

Apparently, if you already have a bachelor's degree, you can't have anymore. That's all you get. You already had your cake.

I asked if I could enroll as an undergraduate again, and use my last degree to cover my core classes as transfer credits. I didn't think it was a ludicrous suggestion, since I got my degree at the end of 2004 and if I had made this decision one day before graduating, this would have been what they recommended.

I was actually told by a Georgia State (Georgia State!) adviser that doing so would be "having your cake and eating it too." I was under the impression that universities existed so that people could better themselves. Whoops.

Excuse me for seeing the "Post-Baccalaureate" program for what it is: A steaming pile.

Just for already having your cake (i.e., working your ass and bank account off for your previous college degree), you now have to enroll as a non-entity.

You are ineligible for financial aid, because the college doesn't actually owe you anything.
You get last dibs on the list for registration, because the college doesn't think you're a student.
You have to pay student fees, even though all evidence points to your non-student status.

You're probably wondering why I don't just get a Master's degree. Well the whole issue is that I don't have the pre-reqs for the programs I'm interested in. And while taking a Modern Art Survey class at the Institute of Art Chicago might sound spectacular, it's a lot less peachy when you realize that you have to pay graduate tuition for that undergrad class. Probably. I haven't looked into it, but you know that's what they'd do. And I don't have 3 grand laying around. Which is what a survey class would probably cost. (3 hours at 1100 per credit hour... I'm being generous.)

[edit: i looked it up. graduate per credit hour is $1075. undergrad is $965. So... my survey would actually only be $2,895. I apologize]

This GSU adviser, who up until this point had been very nice and helpful, actually suggested that if I really want to be an undergraduate again, that I could apply and enroll as an Art History major if I wanted to take all my core classes again.

No, guy. I already had my fill of Psych 1000 and Elementary Statistics. But the thought is really tempting.

06 April 2007

Because "rantastic" was taken

...by some pre-teen who posted four times between October 2001 and January 2002.

Shouldn't blogger have some sort of purging system? I am upset enough that my admittedly not-terribly-original blog title has actually already been taken by a child, but this could make me reconsider my blog-move.

I scream pretty frequently about unnecessary things. I've been trying to curb this type of activity, which explains this blog. By expressing my fits of rage in a two-dimensional way, maybe I can experience some sort of life-altering change.

Okay, that's a load of shite and I know it. But still. I am tired of LiveJournal. Are they serious?

I am going to see what I can do in the way of archiving older LJ posts that fit under my new rant theme. It's probably just about all of them anyway, so it should be cinchy. That's what I like: Things to go my way. With ease.

It's how I roll.

Excerpts from my DeadJournal Pt. 1

Oomuhloo's Journal
Tuesday, September 3rd, 2002

Date:2002-09-03 08:33
Subject:Middle School??

I hate my skin!! It seems like most everybody had bad skin during that whole pubescent acne phase that I managed to slip through unharmed. Little did I know at the time that it was lurking around the corner for AFTER I LEFT MY TEENS!!! How unhappy does it make me that I see people with really nice, even, smooth skin, and I actually think, wow they have great skin ... hmm, it's a shame I have splotchy zitty skin!! GRRRR. In the words of Alana, it makes me want to just ;lasjfio;rf asndfas;diofl;khj!!!!! And I know it's totally not that big a deal... but what if it NEVER GOES AWAY!?! Then what!? huh!? THEN WHAT!??!?!
I guess step one would be to stop being superficial... but I kind of like me this way.
Oh well... I guess I'll just start wearing foundation or something, and exacerbate the problem.