23 November 2007

Because there a few things on my mind

I would normally attempt to keep the ranting to a minimum or at least focused on one topic, because I really am making strides in my rage. You don't believe me, I know, except that you didn't know me in my glass-door-breaking, metronome-throwing, roof-sitting days.

However, today is the Friday after Thanksgiving, and since I cling to my bohemian college days, I'm having a heard time accepting that I am at work. I should be on Fall Break, laughing at the football fans who got up early to drink Bud Light while I'm tucked away in my bed with feather pillows, loving that I'm asleep.

The only answer, clearly, is to blog about it.

I'll make it short since I am trying to be positive about today and catch up on all the things I can't normally do when everyone else in my department is here.

But here it is anyway:

1. It's Friday after Thanksgiving. I'm at work. Gross.

2. The reason I know it's gross is because I got the MARTA station at 8:25 and while I'd normally be parking at the end of any row because I'm running late, I parked in the first spot directly across from the escalator.

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2a. That means that the other 70+ cars that usually exist are sitting quietly in their driveways; drivers peacefully, horizontally dreaming of leftovers in their warm squishy beds.

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2b. This makes me jealous. Which makes me sad and angry.

3. I'm still sick. I drank glasses of Airborne for two days like it was my job. If I were smart, I would have stayed home at least one day this week, but as that girl who feels "obligated" - I came to work anyway. Poop on that.

4. Tonight is the night I call the Jury hotline.

4a. Tonight is the night I discover whether I have to show up for my Federal District Court jury summons on Monday. I can't say how thrilled I am to do my Civic duty.

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4b. That's not untrue. I really like juries; I like the concept; I like the idea that I can be a part of our justice system.

4c. The kicker is, since I'm not salaried, I won't get paid for any days I'm not at work. I could, worst case scenario, get on a federal case that lasts more than two weeks. It could last two months or more (worst case). I would not get paid for any of those days, except for the $40 dollars a day that the government feels adequately compensates me for my time.

4d. Joy of joys.

5. This reminds me that I have no financial light at the end of my tunnel, minus the light at age 29 1/2 when I'm debt free.

5a. This reminds me that 4 years is a long time.

6. Today is buy nothing day. Even though I'll be proud of myself when I put my nyquil-hazed head on my pillow tonight, I'll also feel a little sad that the five dollars in my wallet is still in there. I wanted to make use of it.

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6a. That is my (real) sickness.

I guess that's enough to get me going today. Now, on to that catching up business I was talking about.

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