31 May 2007

I must have been calming down

... because I haven't posted in months.

But I finally found something.

You know those people who write on blogs, e-mails, MySpace comments, Facebook profiles and come off like total ree-rees? I'm not talking about "OMG Becks, U R the KEWTEST, KEWLEST GURRL EVVAR!!!11!!11234!!!". I'm talking about the ones who lead normal, functional lives, but don't actually know English.


If you are curious about something, it piques your interest.
Peaks are for mountains, rooftops and occasionally, tits.

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If you are trying to make a transition, you are making a segue.
I know it sounds like segway but it doesn't mean the same thing. Unless you are making Freudian hints toward your desire for one of these pig-transporters.

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Other examples:

I mean, really. The list goes on and on, and likely resembles one you received in elementary school during the homophones unit. They teach you that stuff for a reason, kids.



1 comment:

Austin said...

This reminds me of your "y'all VS. ya'll" anger.